



来源:计算机学院  发布时间: 2016-06-08 12:37:22


Email: cshbq<AT>imu<DOT>edu<DOT>cn



博士,教授,博士生导师,IEEE高级会员、ACM会员、CCF高级会员;兼任CCF互联网专委会执委、CCF分布式计算与系统专委会执委、ACM呼和浩特分会副主席、内蒙古大学第十届学术委员会委员、科技委员会副主任委员。20027月毕业于内蒙古大学计算机学院,获学士学位;20057月毕业于北京大学计算机系,获硕士学位;20119月毕业于澳大利亚国立大学工程与计算机学院,20124月获博士学位。20135-20144月在新加坡南洋理工大学从事科研工作,任Research Fellow20187-20197月在澳大利亚悉尼科技大学访学,任访问教授。获2011年度国家优秀自费留学生奖励、2022年度内蒙古自治区自然科学二等奖(第一完成人)、2023年度宝钢优秀教师奖。2015年入选内蒙古自治区“草原英才”工程(2019年入选滚动支持计划),2019年入选内蒙古自治区新世纪“321人才工程”第一层次。







He obtained the B.E. degree in computer science from Inner Mongolia University (IMU), Hohhot, China, in 2002, the M.S. degree in computer science from Peking University, Beijing, China, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in information engineering from the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, in 2012. He is Senior Member of IEEE, Member of ACM, and Senior Member of CCF(China Computer Federation); he also serves as Executive Committee Member of CCF Internet Special Committee, Executive Committee Member of CCF Distributed Computing and Systems Special Committee, Vice Chairman of ACM Hohhot Chapter, Member of the 10th Academic Committee of Inner Mongolia University and Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Committee of Inner Mongolia University. From May 2013 to April 2014, he worked as Research Fellow in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. From July 2018 to July 2019, he visited University of Technology Sydney, Australia, as Visiting Professor. He is with the College of Computer Science, IMU, where he is currently a professor. He was the recipients of 2011 Annual Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Chinese Students Abroad, the Second Prize of 2022 Natural Science Award of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and 2023 Annual Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Award. He was selected to be the "Grassland Elite" in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2015the continuous support for the "Grassland Elite" in 2019 and the first level of Inner Mongolia New Century "321 Talent Project" in 2019.


His research interests include (1) research and applications of IoT based smart sensing and computing, including UAV SLAM and motion planning, crowd analysis using multi-modal information, etc.; (2) research and applications of wireless network positioning algorithms, including WiFi, Bluetooth 5, UWBLoRa and other wireless network protocols; (3) research and applications of field-oriented big data technologies, including ecological environment big data, bioinformatics, etc. He has been awarded with several important research grants, including 4 NSFC grants, 3 provincial NSF grants, 3 provincial key-technology grants, 1 provincial University innovation group grant and 1 provincial innovation grant for Returned Overseas Students. He has published over 90 research papers on refereed journals and conferences, including IEEE transactions as well as journals/conferences recommended by CCF.


科研项目(Selected Research Grants)

  1. 大规模场景下基于WiFi嗅探和视觉的多模态人群分析方法研究,国家自然科学基金地区项目(62262046)2023.01-2026.12,负责人

  2. 面向智能手机的多源融合定位精度和能耗权衡机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(41871363)2019.1-2022.12,负责人

  3. 基于群智感知的非约束智能手机室内融合定位方法研究,国家自然科学基金地区项目(61461037)2015.01-2018.12,负责人

  4. 大规模无线传感器网络定位误差分析及优化方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(41401519)2015.01-2017.12,负责人

  5. 基于多模态深度学习的大规模人群分析方法研究,内蒙古自治区自然科学基金重大项目(2021ZD13)2021.01-2023.12,负责人

  6. 基于定位精度和能耗权衡的GPS/WLAN/IMU融合定位优化方法研究,内蒙古自治区自然科学基金杰出青年培育基金项目(2017JQ09)2017.01-2019.12,负责人

  7. 视频与无线融合的网络化智能监控技术及应用研究,内蒙古自治区关键技术攻关项目(2021GG0163)2021.05-2024.05,负责人

  8. 物联网智能信息感知与处理技术创新团队,内蒙古自治区高校青年科技人才发展项目(创新团队)(NMGIRT2318),2023.01-2025.12,负责人

  9. 固定污染源数据采集、存储、清洗、智能分析处理关键技术研究,内蒙古自治区重点研发和成果转化计划项目(2023YFSW0017)2023.07-2025.03,子课题负责人

  10. 面向边境防护的无人机智能巡查关键技术,内蒙古自治区重点研发和成果转化计划项目(2022YFSJ0027)2022.06-2025.06,子课题负责人

  11. 基于WiFiPDR的鲁棒室内定位方法研究,内蒙古自治区自然科学基面上项目(2014MS0604)2014.01-2015.12,负责人

  12. 内蒙古自治区“草原英才”工程,内蒙古自治区组织部(CYYC5016)2015.11-2018.11,负责人

  13. 内蒙古自治区“草原英才”工程滚动支持项目,内蒙古自治区组织部,2020.01-2021.12,负责人

  14. 畜产品质量监控物联网关键技术研究与应用,内蒙古自治区科技创新引导奖励资金项目(20121317)2012.01-2016.10,子课题负责人

  15. 无线信号部署优化与指纹识别测试软件,横向课题(21800-5176011)2017.05-2020.12,负责人


代表性科研成果(Selected Research Outcomes)


  1. L. Hao, B. Huang*, B. Jia and G. Mao,On the Fine-Grained Crowd Analysis via Passive WiFi Sensing”,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 23(6):6697 - 6711, June 2024. CCF Rank A, SCI二区 IF 7.9)

  2. Z. Xu, B. Huang*, B. Jia and G. Mao,Enhancing WiFi Fingerprinting Localization Through a Co-teaching Approach using Crowdsourced Sequential RSS and IMU Data, IEEE Internet of Things Journal11(2):3550 - 3562, January 2024. (SCI一区 IF 10.6)

  3. Y. Tao, B. Huang, R. Yan, L. Zhao and W. Wang, “CBWF: A Lightweight Circular-Boundary-Based WiFi Fingerprinting Localization System”,IEEE Internet of Things Journal11(7):11508 - 11523, April 2024. (SCI一区 IF 10.6)

  4. B Jia, Z Gao, J Jing, B Huang, S Liu, K Muhammad, JJPC Rodrigues, “Coverage Path Planning for IoUAVs With Tiny Machine Learning in Complex Areas Based On Convex Decomposition”, accepted to appear in IEEE Internet of Things Journal2024. (SCI一区 IF 10.6)

  5. R. Yang, B.Huang*, Z. Xu, B. Jia and G. Xu, “Towards Accurate Smartphone Localization Using CSI Measurements”, The Computer Journal,  67(4):1361-1369, 2024. (CCF Rank B)

  6. W. Shi, Tao Zhang B. Huang And B. Jia, Enhancing AOA Estimation Via Phase Modeling of Bluetooth 5 CTE Signals, IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech And Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.8811-8815, April 2024.  (CCF Rank B)

  7. W. Shi, B. Huang And B. Jia, SCRN: A Spectrogram Convolutional Recurrent Network for AOA Estimation Using Bluetooth 5”, IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech And Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.7490-7494, April 2024. (CCF Rank B)


  1. L. Hao, B. Huang*, B. Jia, G. Xu and G. Mao,“Toward Accurate Crowd Counting in Large Surveillance Areas Based on Passive WiFi Sensing”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(12):14086-14096December 2023. (CCF Rank B, SCI一区 IF 9.551)

  2. W. Chang, B. Huang*, B. Jia, W. Li and G. Xu,Online Public Transit Ridership Monitoring through Passive WiFi Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(7):7025-7034, July 2023. (CCF Rank B, SCI一区 IF 9.551)

  3. H. Gong, B. Huang, B. Jia*, and H. Dai,Modelling Power Consumptions for Multi-rotor UAVs, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,  59(6):7409-7422December 2023. (SCI二区 IF 4.4)

  4. B. Jia, T. Feng, C. Li, B. Huang, F. Hao and D. Liu, “DeepLA: A deep learning-based model for predicting protein function from protein sequence and evolutionary information”, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Istanbul, Turkiye, pp.110-113, 05-08 December 2023. (CCF Rank B)

  5. J. Jing, B. Jia, B. Huang, L Liu and X Yang, “YOLO-D: Dual-Branch Infrared Distant Target Detection Based on Multi-level Weighted Feature Fusion”, ICONIP 2023. (CCF Rank C)


  1. L. Hao, B. Huang*, B. Jia and G. Mao, DHCLoc: A Device Heterogeneity Tolerant and Channel Adaptive Passive WiFi Localization Method Based on DNN, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(7):4863-4874, April 2022.  (SCI一区 IF 10.238)

  2. J. Kang, K. Yan, Y. Li, Z. Duan, P. Duan and B. Huang, Bayesian Path Inference Using Sparse GPS Samples with Spatio-Temporal Constraints, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(8):12353-12365, August 2022. (CCF Rank B, SCI一区 IF 9.551)

  3. R. Yang, J. Song, B. Huang*, W. Li and G. Qi,“An Energy-Efficient Step-Counting Algorithm for Smartphones”, The Computer Journal, 65 (3), 689-700, 2022. (CCF Rank B)

  4. W. Shi, B. Huang* and K. Sun, “A CRLB Analysis of AoA Estimation Using Bluetooth 5”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 5158-5162, May 2022.  (CCF Rank B)

  5. Z. Xu, B. Huang*, B. Jia, W. Li and H. Lu, "A Boundary Aware WiFi Localization Scheme Based on UMAP and KNN", IEEE Communications      Letters, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 1789-1793, August 2022. (SCI三区)


  1. B. Huang*, G. Mao, Y. Qin and Y. Wei, Pedestrian Flow Estimation Through Passive WiFi Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 20(4):1529-1542, April 2021. (CCF Rank A, SCI一区 IF 5.112)

  2. Z. Xu, B. Huang* and B. Jia, An Efficient Radio Map Learning Scheme based on Kernel Density Function, IEEE Transactions on      Vehicular Technology, Vol.70, No.12, pp.13315-13324, December 2021. (SCI二区 IF 5.379)

  3. B. Huang, R. Yang, B. Jia*,      W. Li and G. Mao, "A Theoretical Analysis on Sampling Size in WiFi Fingerprint-based Localization", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.70, No.4, pp.3599-3608, April 2021. (SCI二区 IF 5.379)

  4. L. Hao, B. Huang*, H. Hong, B. Jia and W. Li,“A Channel Adaptive WiFi Indoor Localization Method based on Deep Learning”, 2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Nanjing, China, 2021, pp.   1-6. (CCF Rank C)

  5. X. Li, B. Huang*, Y. Tian, Z. Xu and X. Li,“Optimal WiFi APs Deployment for      Localization and Coverage Based on Virtual Force”, 2021 IEEE Wireless      Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Nanjing, China, 2021, pp. 1-6. (CCF Rank C)

  6. H. Hong, B. Huang*, Y. Gu and B. Jia,“Attention-Based Cross-Domain Gesture      Recognition Using WiFi Channel State Information”, 18th International      Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing(ICA3PP 2021) , Xiamen, China, 2021, pp. 571-585. (CCF Rank C)


  1. P. Duan, G. Mao, J. Kang and B. Huang*, Estimation of Link Travel Time Distribution with Limited Traffic Detectors, IEEE Transactions on      Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.21, No.9, pp.3730-3743, September  2020. (CCF Rank B, SCI一区 IF 5.744)

  2. Y. Tian, B. Huang*, B. Jia and L. Zhao, “Optimizing AP and Beacon Placement in WiFi and BLE hybrid localization”, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol.164, No.102673, pp.1-11, 2020. (SCI二区 IF 5.57)

  3. Q. Miao, B. Huang* and B. Jia, "Estimating distances via received signal strength and connectivity in wireless sensor networks", Wireless Networks, Vol.26, No. 26, pp.112, 2020. (CCF Rank C)

  4. Y. Yang, B. Huang* Z. Xu and R. Yang, "A WiFi Assisted Pedestrian Heading Estimation Method Using Gyroscope", IEEE      International Conference on Computers, Software and Applications  (COMPSAC), pp.535-544, Madrid, Spain, 2020. (CCF Rank C)

  5. Z. Xu, B. Huang*, B. Jia and W. Li,“Compressed Multivariate Kernel Density  Estimation for WiFi Fingerprint-based Localization”, The 16th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN),   pp.106-112, Tokyo, Japan, 2020. (CCF Rank C)

  6. L. Hao, B. Jia, J. Liu, B. Huang and W. Li, "VCG-QCP: A Reverse Pricing Mechanism Based on VCG and Quality All-pay for Collaborative      Crowdsourcing," 2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), pp. 1-6, Seoul, Korea (South), 2020. (CCF Rank C)

  7. B. Jia, L. Hao, C. Zhang and B. Huang*. A Privacy-sensitive Service Selection Method Based on Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm in the Internet of Things. Mobile Netw Appl (2020). (CCF Rank C)


  1. B. Huang, Z. Xu, B. Jia* and G. Mao, An Online Radio Map Update Scheme for WiFi Fingerprint-based Localization, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(4):6909-6918, 2019. (SCI一区 IF 9.515)

  2. Z. Xu, B. Huang*, B. Jia and W. Li, Online Radio Map Update Based on a Marginalized Particle Gaussian Process, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing      (ICASSP), pp. 4369-4373, Brighton, UK, 2019. (CCF Rank B)

  3. B. Huang, X. Li, G. Mao, B. Jia and W. Li, "On the Pedestrian Flow Analysis through Passive WiFi Sensing," 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), pp.1-6, Waikoloa, HI, USA2019.(CCF Rank C)

  4. Y. Yang, B. Huang* and R. Yang, "An Energy Efficient Pedestrian Heading Estimation Algorithm using Smartphones", IEEE      International Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC), pp. 676-684, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 2019. (CCF Rank C)

  5. S. Du, B. Huang*, B. Jia and W. Li, "Optimal Anchor Placement for Localization in Large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks", accepted to appear in IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China, 2019. (CCF Rank C)


  1. B. Huang, M. Liu, Z. Xu and B. Jia, On the performance analysis of WiFi based localization, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 4369-4373, Calgary, Canada, 2018. (CCF Rank B)

  2. B. Jia, B. Huang*, H. Gao and W. Li, "Dimension reduction in radio maps based on the supervised kernel principal component      analysis", Soft Computing, Vol. 22, No. 23, pp.76977703, 2018. (SCI三区 IF 2.367, CCF Rank C)

  3. Q. Miao and B. Huang*, "On the optimal anchor placement in single-hop sensor localization", Wireless Networks, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 16091620, 2018. (CCF Rank C)

  4. J.  Shen, B. Huang, X. Kang, B. Jia and W. Li, Localization of access points based on the Rayleigh lognormal model, the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), pp. 1-6, Apr. 15-18, Barcelona, Spain, 2018. (CCF Rank C)

  5. B. Jia, B. Huang, T. Zhou and W. Li, "Quantitatively Investigating Multihop Localization Errors in Regular 2-D Sensor      Networks", 18th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing(ICA3PP 2018), pp. 476-488, Nov.      15-17, Guangzhou, China, 2018. (CCF Rank C)

  6. Y. Tian, B. Huang, B. Jia and L. Zhao, "Optimizing WiFi AP Placement for Both Localization and Coverage", 18th International      Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing(ICA3PP 2018), pp. 489-503, Nov. 15-17, Guangzhou, China, 2018. (CCF Rank C)

  7. M. Liu, B. Huang, Q. Miao, B. Jia, "An Energy-Efficient DV-Hop Localization Algorithm", 18th International Conference on      Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing(ICA3PP 2018), pp. 175-186, Nov. 15-17, Guangzhou, China, 2018. (CCF Rank C)

  8. R. Yang, B. Huang, J. Song, B. Jia and W. Li, "An Energy Efficient Smartphone Pedometer Based on an Auto-Correlation Analysis," 2018 IEEE ISPA, pp. 878-885, Melbourne, Australia, 2018. (CCF Rank C)

  9. X. Kang, B. Huang, R. Yang and G. Qi, "Accurately Counting Steps of the Pedestrian with Varying Walking Speeds," 2018 IEEE Ubiquitous      Intelligence & Computing(UIC), pp. 679-686, Guangzhou, 2018. (CCF Rank C)


  1. H. Zou, Y. Zhou, H. Jiang, B. Huang, L. Xie and C. Spanos, Adaptive Localization in Dynamic Indoor Environments by Transfer Kernel Learning, the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, 2017.(CCF Rank C)

  2. B. Jia, B. Huang, H. Gao and W. Li, On the Dimension Reduction of      Radio Maps with a Supervised Approach, the 42nd      Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), pp.199-202, Oct.      9-12, Singapore, 2017. (CCF Rank C)


  1. B. Huang, G. Qi, X. Yang, L. Zhao, and H. Zou, Exploiting Cyclic Features of Walking for Pedestrian Dead Reckoning with Unconstrained Smartphones, the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2016), pp.374-385, Sep. 12-16, Heidelberg, Germany, 2016. (CCF Rank A)

  2. H. Zou, B. Huang*, X. Lu, H. Jiang and L. Xie, "A Robust Indoor Positioning System based on the Procrustes Analysis and Weighted Extreme Learning Machine", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol.15, No.2, pp.1252-1266, 2016. (CCF Rank B, SCI二区 IF 4.951)

  3. H. Zou, B. Huang, X. Lu, H. Jiang and L. Xie, Standardizing Location Fingerprints Across Heterogeneous Mobile Devices for Indoor Localization, the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), pp. 503-508, Apr. 3-6, Doha, Qatar, 2016. (CCF Rank C)

  4. H. Zhao, B. Huang and B. Jia, Applying Kriging Interpolation for WiFi Fingerprinting based Indoor Positioning Systems, the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), pp. 1822-1827, Apr. 3-6, Doha, Qatar, 2016. (CCF Rank C)


  1. B. Huang*, L. Xie, Z. Yang, TDOA-based Source Localization      with Distance-dependent Noises, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol.14, No.1, pp.468-480, 2015. (CCF Rank B, SCI二区 IF 4.951)

  2. L. Zhao*, N. Gao, B. Huang, Q. Wang and J. Zhou, "A Novel Terrain-Aided      Navigation Algorithm Combined With the TERCOM Algorithm and Particle Filter," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1124-1131, 2015. (SCI二区)

  3. L. Zhao*,  Q. Peng, B. Huang, “Shape matching algorithm based on shape      contexts”, IET Computer Vision, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 681-690, 2015. (CCF Rank C)


  1. B. Huang, C. Yu* and B.D.O. Anderson, Understanding Error Propagation in Multi-hop Sensor Network Localization, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.90, No.12, pp.5811-5819, Dec. 2013. (SCI一区 IF 7.168)

  2. B. Huang, T. Li, B.D.O. Anderson and C. Yu*, Performance Limits in Sensor Localization, Automatica, Vol. 49, No.2, pp. 503-509, Feb. 2013. (SCI一区 IF 5.451)

  3. B. Huang, C. Yu* and B.D.O. Anderson, Analyzing Localization Errors in One-Dimensional Sensor Networks, Signal Processing, Vol. 92, No.2, pp. 427-438, Feb. 2012. (SCI二区 IF 3.11, CCF Rank C)

  4. B. Huang, C. Yu and B.D.O. Anderson, On the Rate of Error Propagation in Multihop Range-based Localization, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal      Processing (ICASSP), pp. 2850-2853, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2010. (CCF Rank B)

  5. B. Huang, C. Yu, B.D.O. Anderson and G. Mao, Estimating Distances via Connectivity in Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol.14, No.5, pp.541-556, 2014. (CCF Rank C)

  6. B. Huang, W. Wu and T. Zhang, An Improved Connectivity-based Boundary Detection Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks, the 38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), pp.464-467, Oct. 21-24, Sydney, Australia, 2013. (CCF Rank C)

  7. B. Huang, C. Yu, B.D.O. Anderson and  G. Mao, Connectivity-based Distance Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks,  IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), pp. 1-5, Miami, Florida,  USA, 2010. (CCF Rank C)

  8. B. Huang, C. Yu and B.D.O. Anderson,  Error Propagation in Sensor Network Localization with Regular Topologies, IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), pp. 1-6, Hawaii, USA, 2009. (CCF Rank C)


  1. 一种视频和无线融合的大规模人群分析方法,专利号:ZL 2021 1 0390587.1,发明人:黄宝琦、郝利飞、贾冰,授权公告日:2022.11.15

  2. 基于FFT的步行检测方法,专利号:ZL 2017 1 1098622.2,发明人:黄宝琦、康晓敏、齐国栋、贾冰,授权公告日:2020.4.28

  3. 一种异构网络环境中面向指纹定位的基站部署优化方法,发明人:黄宝琦、田宇,专利号:ZL 2018 1 1168792.8,授权公告日:2020.7.7

  4. 基于监督的室内定位指纹地图降维方法,专利号:ZL 2018 1 0020814.X,发明人:贾冰、黄宝琦、郜贺鹏、李乌云格日乐,授权公告日:2020.10.2

  5. 面向室内定位的位置指纹库构建和动态更新方法, 专利号:ZL 2017 1 0937015.4, 发明人:黄宝琦、贾冰、徐振东、宋健,授权公告日:2019.9.10


博士生(PhD Students

  1. Tao Zhang2023

  2. Wenbo Chang2022;自治区奖学金)

  3. Xiangyu Li2021

  4. Tianliang Li2021Co-supervised with Prof. Winston Seah in Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

  5. Wentao Shi2020

  6. Hao Gong2020

  7. Runze Yang2019;国家奖学金、自治区奖学金)

  8. Lifei Hao2019;国家奖学金、自治区奖学金;2023年毕业,内蒙古大学“骏马计划”高层次人才)

  9. Zhendong Xu2018;国家奖学金;2023年毕业,清华大学博士后)

  10. Bayaerqimuge2018;留学生)

  11. Yankan Yang20172023年毕业,内蒙古科技大学)

硕士生(Master Students

  1. Shuai Zhang2023,学硕)

  2. Fuyao Wang2023,学硕)

  3. Jianan Zhou2023,专硕)

  4. Jing Guo2023,专硕)

  5. Yiming Zhao2023,专硕)

  6. Jiaxin Du2022,学硕)

  7. Weibin Jiang2022,学硕)

  8. Huan Yang2022,专硕)

  9. Ying Zhang2022,专硕)

  10. Zibo Zhao2022,专硕)

  11. Bo Chi2022,专硕)

  12. Rui Guo2021,学硕)

  13. Jintao Qiao2021,学硕)

  14. Tao Zhang2021,学硕;硕博连读,内蒙古大学博士生)

  15. Zhen Fan2021,专硕)

  16. Xu Zhang2021,专硕)

  17. Weijing Sang2020,学硕;中国银行)

  18. Zhaoyan Zhang2020,学硕;公务员)

  19. Lin Su (2020,专硕;国企)

  20. Kai Yu2020,专硕;中国银行)

  21. Le Qi2020,专硕;国土资源厅)

  22. Xinyu Yang2019, 学硕)

  23. Jing Ning2019, 学硕;鄂尔多斯教体局)

  24. Zijia Kong2019, 专硕;呼市烟草)

  25. Wenbo Chang2019, 专硕;内蒙古大学博士生)

  26. Hao Hong2019, 专硕;科大讯飞)

  27. Wentao Shi2018, 学硕;硕博连读,内蒙古大学博士生)

  28. Xiaomeng Li2018, 学硕;中国农业大学博士生)

  29. Xiangyu Li2018, 专硕;自治区奖学金;内蒙古大学博士生)

  30. Chaowei Zhang2018, 专硕;内蒙古电力)

  31. Shifeng Du2017, 学硕;美团)

  32. Zhendong  Xu2017, 学硕;硕博连读,内蒙古大学博士生)

  33. Yu Tian 2017, 专硕;优秀毕业论文;第十二届中国研究生电子设计竞赛英特尔企业奖三等奖;大连理工大学博士生)

  34. Runze Yang2017, 专硕;内蒙古大学博士生)

  35. Hongbo Li2017, 专硕;优秀毕业论文;包头农发行)

  36. Jushang Shen2016, 学硕;自治区奖学金;内蒙古电力)

  37. Xiaomin Kang2016, 学硕;国家奖学金;自治区级、校级优秀毕业论文;内蒙古电力)

  38. Minmin Liu2016, 学硕;国家奖学金;西安交通大学博士生)

  39. Jingpeng Wang2016, 专硕;包头银监局)

  40. Jian Song2015, 学硕;京东)

  41. Qingwei Duan2015, 学硕;鄂尔多斯市教育局)

  42. Wang Liao2015, 专硕;IBM

  43. Rongkai Wu2015, 专硕;北京四维图新)

  44. Qing Miao2014, 学硕;国家奖学金;自治区优秀毕业生;优秀毕业论文;天津大学博士生)

  45. Guodong Qi2014, 学硕;国家奖学金;第十二届全国研究生数学建模大赛三等奖;自治区优秀毕业生;自治区级、校级优秀毕业论文;北京国网信通产业集团)

  46. Lei Qin2014, 专硕;内蒙古电子信息研究所)

  47. Hongyan Wang2014, 专硕;河南周口市供电局)

  48. Hialong Zhao2013, 学硕;自治区优秀毕业生;自治区级、校级优秀毕业论文;工商银行总行软开)

  49. Xiaokun Yang2013, 学硕;公务员)

  50. Wenye Meng2012, 学硕;国家奖学金;自治区优秀毕业生;优秀毕业论文;乌兰察布职业学院)


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